Monday, 18 November 2013

Plane Crash Scenario Information

Plane Crash
The scenario
A small aircraft crashes in the shark infested waters of the Pacific Ocean. There is damage to the aircraft on impact with the water which causes the electronic systems within to be damaged. The resulting radio failure means that no may-day message can be sent.
Of the sixteen passengers on the plane there are nine survivors. The location of the crash is approximately one and a half days from the nearest land. The life raft on one side of the aeroplane can be used, however there is only room for four persons in it.
Your group must reach a decision as to which four people can enter the life raft. You have a limited amount of time to make a decision before the aircraft sinks.

The Nine Survivors
1)      ‘Ace Browning’.
Ace was the pilot at the time of the crash and it was his expertise which landed the aircraft in one piece, which allows it still to float. ‘Ace’ received his pilot training and nickname when he was in the Airforce. He is the son of an Air Vice-Marshall and a decorated Gulf veteran. He is a keen golfer and collects theatre memorabilia. Recently, there has been some concern amongst his colleagues that he is showing signs of a drinking problem. He is one of a team of volunteer pilots who carry out mercy missions which drop food and medical aid in places of crises.

2)      Geoff McGraw
Geoff was returning from a medical conference where he gave a paper on “Re-building Facial Features Following Accidents”. He is a recent divorcee with four grown up children. At 57 he owns a plastic surgery clinic in California from which he has made a considerable fortune. Geoff has established a charitable programme which helps children with facial injuries. His hobbies include collecting vintage cars and deep sea fishing.

The Butler family- James, Patience and Prudence
3)      James Butler
James is a 40 year old church minister. He has been a missionary in Papua New Guinea for the past 15 years. He is keen to take up the challenge of a new post in Haiti, but has not discussed the move with his wife, Patience, as he is aware that she is anxious to return to the UK and start a career. He is also torn by a wish to spend more time with his two older children. James’ hobbies are playing the card game bridge and fishing.

4)      Patience Butler
Patience is 35 and did a lot of voluntary work whilst in Papua New Guinea. She established a youth club which developed such skills as orienteering and home crafts in young people. For many years Patience has wanted to start a career; she has the manuscript of a first book which she intends to take to a publisher. Her book explores issues relation to helping indigenous peoples and their way of life survive the 21st century. She has three children.

5)      Prudence Butler
Prudence, an epileptic, was travelling from Papua New Guinea to London with her parents at the time of the accident. She is a very intelligent 10 year old girls and shows great talent at music and languages, She has two siblings, a fourteen year old brother and a 12 year old sister who are both at a boarding school in the UK. Prudence did not want to take time out of school for this trip but her father felt that it was important that she visit her brother and sister.

6)      Donald Heap
Donald Heap is a 45 year old married man with two children. He is the conservative member for the Happiburgh and currently resides on the back bench following a brief, but very public period as Junior Minister in the Department for Defence. Donald resigned from his position because of a scandal involving insider dealing. Donald is a self-made man, having made his fortune selling sports clothing. He is an Olympic medallist in track events and used his world-wide reputation as a sportsman in marketing his goods. His hobbies include sailing, squash and growing hothouse orchids.

7)      Sam Comfort
Sam is a 29 year old nurse and a member of Greenpeace. He abandoned plans to marry three years ago and took up a post as Nursing Officer at an Antarctic research station where he carried out work on hypothermia. He got on very well with the rest of the team at the research station and would like to renew his contract when he returns there. Sam is a very gifted musician; he plays the violin and enjoys swimming and badminton.

8)      Professor Mu Chado
Professor Mu Chado has been Professor of Microbiology at the University of Baltimore for the past 10 years. He has developed an antibody to the HIV virus that has proved successful in combating illness in experimental animals. He is 60 years old and a bachelor. He was physically disabled when he was 30 in a riding accident and has since then been confined to a wheelchair. His hobbies include water colour painting.

9)      Philipa Lowes-Harrington
Philippa Lowes-Harrington is a Performance Director in the energy industry. She is a 50 year old married woman with no children. Philippa spent 12 years in the army and retired at the age of 30 at the rank of Captain. Her hobbies include skiing and collection obscure art. She has been involved in negotiations where the Victoria and Albert Museum acquired a number of valuable pieces of British art from Japan and the United States. Currently she is the chair of a working group which is considering how art may be used to improve inner-city environments. Philippa has recently been diagnosed as HIV positive.

Plane Crash Scenario

Hello 9X2,

Your homework is to finish your preparation for our group discussion assessments over the next couple of lessons.

You could:

-Have strong arguments for all of the four people you wish to save.
-Have strong arguments against all five of the people you do not wish to save.
-Research some information relating to the people you wish to save or not save. Look a little more into what they do for a living or hobbie. What might be the wider implications of saving them or not saving them?
-Think of questions you could ask others in the discussion.
-Look at the AF2 Talking with others level descriptors sheet. Make notes in your prep book with things you could do to help you achieve the level you would like to achieve.

Good luck

Mr Brown

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Note taking review

Review your own performance in the discussion.

Which form of contributions did you make the most and why? 

How did you find the note taking? 
Was it difficult? 
What made is hard to make notes?
Did you improve as the lesson went on? 
Do you feel like you would be able to recount to someone else what your partner said in the debate from your notes? 

Due: Tuesday 12th November 2013

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Homework Task- 1/10/2013

In today's lesson we were looking at writing describing using the senses.

Your task in the lesson was to describe a setting/situation/event you were given using the one of these four senses; hearing, sight, touch, smell.

Post your descriptive paragraphs on here and make sure you remember to leave your name on the post so we can see you've done it.

If you want to comment on another person's post you can do but make sure you are constructive; if you like the piece you must say why you like. Be specific.

As usual if you have any problems you know where I am......English office.

I look forward to reading them.

Due: Thursday 3rd October 2013

Monday, 16 September 2013

Homework Task- 16/9/2013


Your homework task is to research and look into homelessness......

Find some statistics and facts about homelessness in the UK, to help us create a better picture of what homelessness is like particularly in Britain.

Try to find some statistics that no one else in the class has used so we get a wider range. It might also be an idea to research homelessness in 1993, when the novel Stone Cold is set so we can compare it to the current situation.

Post your information on the blog by commenting on this post. You can set up a google account if you wish (its free) or if not you can just post normally- but make sure you put your name underneath other wise it just comes up as anonymous.

Due: Thursday 19th September 2013

Friday, 13 September 2013

Hello 9X2

Hello 9X2,

Welcome to the blog that we will be using in English this year.

Sometimes I may ask you to post work on the blog in lessons whilst using the laptops, on other occasions your homework may be to comment on a post with your opinion or a point to extend what we have been doing in lesson time.

Think of this as our classroom outside the classroom.......a space for us to carry on the good work that has been going on in lessons.

Watch this space.

Mr Brown