Friday, 13 September 2013

Hello 9X2

Hello 9X2,

Welcome to the blog that we will be using in English this year.

Sometimes I may ask you to post work on the blog in lessons whilst using the laptops, on other occasions your homework may be to comment on a post with your opinion or a point to extend what we have been doing in lesson time.

Think of this as our classroom outside the classroom.......a space for us to carry on the good work that has been going on in lessons.

Watch this space.

Mr Brown


  1. fact ... About 75 percent of homeless teens use drugs or alcohol as a means to self-medicate to deal with the traumatic experiences and abuse they face.

    maryam! :)

  2. i didn't know how to put it onto the other post soo here it is.................
    there are 71,000 homeless children living on the street today, and there is just over one million adults that are homeless. the fact that homeless children have care homes and that sort of thing to go to if they live on the street but for people over 18 and living on the street do not have that option.
